Peter Pan
Banbury Cross Players presented Peter Pan by Sir James Barrie in January 1964. The show was put on at the College Theatre with the permission of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children who hold all rights. 10% of all takings went to the hospital.
The following are sketches made for the set design of Peter Pan.
The following members of BCP were in the Cast of Peter Pan: Johnny Lester, Michael Turner, Claire Stanford, Mary Pratt, Margaret Moon, David Fairbrother, John Howarth, Pamela Howarth, Rosemary Fearon, Lindsay Lamb, Jane Harrison, Ann Macnair, Susan Enstone, Peter Turner, David Lester, Clive Perkin, Tony Roberts, Jeremy Turner, Nicolas Lester, Dick Llewellyn, Gerald Metcalf, Roger Watt, Brian Ferriman, Martin Blinkhorn, Rosa Pratt, John Bennett, Ron Harper, Judith Jeffries, Janet Craig, John Webb, Philip Macnair, Jane Baldwin, Stan Blackler,Lynne Upstone, Joan Hopwood, Frances Garrett, Penny Grimshaw, Vivian Tuffery, Blinky Arundel, Sarah Lester, Paula Roberts, Suzanne Brown, Janet Averillo, Hazel Grove, Margaret Bowman.
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