Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime
Banbury Cross Players presented Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime – adapted from Oscar Wilde’s story by Constance Cox – at The Mill Arts Centre in February 2008. Directed by Terry Gallager the cast was as follows:-
Lord Arthur savile
Sybil Merton
The Dean of Paddington
Lady Windermere
Lady Beauchamp
Lady Julia Merton
Mr Podgers
Greta Winkelkopf
Lord Arthur savile
Sybil Merton
The Dean of Paddington
Lady Windermere
Lady Beauchamp
Lady Julia Merton
Mr Podgers
Greta Winkelkopf
Neil Smith
Ben Pearce
Samantha Robinson
Bob Clement
Julia Charlesworth
June Ronson
Annie Bennett
James Goodwin
Wendy Clare
Michelle Mirams
Ben Pearce
Samantha Robinson
Bob Clement
Julia Charlesworth
June Ronson
Annie Bennett
James Goodwin
Wendy Clare
Michelle Mirams
With thanks to Alan Davies
Photos – Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime
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