Home, I’m Darling

Laura Wade’s
11 – 13 July 2024.
DIRECTOR: Lucy Byford,
Production Manager: Linda Shaw
About the Play
The 1950s domestic bliss promises big but delivers short because, of course, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s 2024; Stepford Wives meets Big Brother. Everyone is criticising Judy’s choices; no-one understands and no-one is supporting her. After all the efforts she has made to be the perfect wife, she is usurped by a very modern woman who has the sparkle Judy used to have and which her husband misses in her. Judy’s all-consuming lifestyle change has been influenced by the rose-
tinted view of her father in childhood watching endless re-runs of 1950s films where families were blissfully happy.
This brilliantly written new comedy has an excellent range of characters. Lucy is looking for energy and a cast able to deliver a wide range of performances from the comedic to deeper, relationship-changing conversations. The show promises to be a slick ensemble experience with the addition of picking up (or polishing off) some 1950s rock ’n’ roll choreography.
Home, I’m Darling was awarded Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy in 2019.
The Cast was as follows:
Judy – Katy Roberts
Johnny – Justin Clinch
Fran – Kate Groves
Marcus – Matthew Perris
Alex – Immy Tredwell
Sylvia – Hilary Beaton
Oxfordshire Drama Network (ODN) have printed a description of the play in their June 2024 newsletter. This can be seen at ODN-NEWS-June24.pdf
Programme (Click to open PDF File)

Follow the link to see an independent view of the production.
- Check out the NODA review of Home, I’m Darling!
- Also see Review by Jo Genesius
Photos from Home, I’m Darling
The following photos are with thanks to Courtney Killpack.
Additional Photos from Jim Muller Photography.
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