Aladdin 1978
In January 1978 Banbury Cross Players presented Aladdin at College Theatre, Banbury. The script was from an earlier production by (members) Martin Blinkhorne and Roy Albans. I was Adapted and directed by Carole Whitehill and Richard Westcott.
CAST (in order of their appearance)
Abanazar (A mean old nasty!) – Mike Sheldon
The Slave of the Ring (A Pink Rocker) – Jeremy Turner
Wishee Washee (Aladdin’s little brother) – Nick Lester
Hi-Sing, Lo-Sing (Two potty policewomen) – Ann Westcott, June Ronson
Widow Twankey (Aladdin’s dear old mum) – Bob Clement
The Emperor’s Bodyguard (Ex “Water Margin”) – Jason Watkins
Aladdin (A bit of a lad) – Shirley Bennett
The Emperor of China (An Imperial Dragon) – Ron Bridger
Princess Belroubadour (The Emperor’s daughter) – Rebecca Westcott
The Genie of the Lamp (A Djinn with a handy habit) – Jeremy Radburn
Abdull (Abanazar’s henchman) – George Moon
The Sultan of Egypt – David Lake
Wilting, Kettle and Hettie – Carrie, Gabby & Ric.
Dobbin – Richard Moat & Justin Hartree
Chorus – Loretta Bridger, Stephanie Burnham, Pat Clement, Maggie Finan, Christine Hilton, Nadine Nivesson, Shirley Watkins, Justin Hartree, David Lake, Richard Moat, George Moon, Richard Westcott & Peter Whitehill.
Dancers (All Members of the Suzanne School of Dancing) – Nicole Badrick, Julie Bedlow, Lindsay Bricliffe, Julie Davies, Fiona Elsley, Louise Hardy, Sandra Heritage, Stephanie Hicks, Elaine Jordon, Jean Knight, Leslie Lewis, Vanessa Morrish, Angela Mullins, Carole Mullins, Amanda Storer and Katie Westcott.
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