Aladdin 1966
Aladdin was presented by BCP at College Theatre in January 1966. THis version was adapted by Martin Blinkhorn and Roy Albans.
The following members of BCP and the Marjorie Budd School of Dancing were in the Cast of Aladdin:
Derek Hills, Pat Rix, Percy Southorn, John Bennett, Roger Watt, Diana Dixon, Shirley Bennett, Angelina Wigmore, David Barbour, Jane Baldwin, Nick Baldwin, Gerry Steer, Chris Wherry, Pat Welder, Michael Turner, Jeremy Turner, Mary Blade, Penny Grant, Gale Harbourne, Janine Hick, Caroline Jarvis, Elaine Harrison, Deborah Meenagh, Deborah Mills, Pamela Moses, Mary Nolan, Vanessa O’Carrol, Jane Pavitt, Jacinto Perry, Eve Roby, Christine Sefton, Dorothy Smith, Margaret Smith, Susan Southwell, Jane Tilstone, Dawn Thompson, Christine Coe, Helen Fabin, Elaine Franklin, Koren Gardener, Denise Hewitt, Charmaine Lovesey, Francis Perry, Fiona Thomas, Mary Watt,
Jane Harrison, Clare Stanford, Lyn Harris, Leslie Fooks, Hazel Moloney, Judith Shand, Margaret Shand, Eve Roby, Avril Mitchell, Jackie Gosling, Heather Herrod- Taylor, Margaret Jolin, Dave Clark, Richard Bayliss, Roger Fooks, Andrew Howland, Allan Gould, Ion Williams, Margaret Williams, Leslie Cough.
Production: Jack Fearon.
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